Monday, August 31, 2015


 A Curiosity from the Last Century

Most CDP bloggers probably remember using a stand-alone payphone like this sometime  in the last century. But here in Walla Walla, the United States Post Office building still has an operating payphone in the lobby. And when you close the bi-fold door, the light and fan turn on so you can sit on the wooden seat and make your phone call in complete privacy
(I find it curious why anyone would want to make a phone call in privacy?!?)

I would venture to say that most of those of the Greatest Generation (up to 1946) along with Baby Boomers (1946-1964) and Gen X-ers (1965-1984) remember using such a phone, but for most Millennials (1982-2004) and certainly the current Generation Y (with an official name yet to be determined), this may indeed be a curious sight as they may have only seen pay phones in old movies or TV re-runs. 
More's the pity.

To see more 'curious' photos by other CDP bloggers, follow this link.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


This mural is in the front  hallway of Vista Hermosa school at Broetje Orchards

As another Blue Mountain Land Trust's "Learning on the Land" series, 40+ participants  recently toured Broetje Orchards and Vista Hermosa Community which is located 10 miles west of Prescott, WA. 

Vista Hermosa school is part of the Vista Hermosa community which was established in 1988 by the Broetje family in response to the need for safe, affordable housing near the fruit orchards and packing warehouses where the residents are employed.

The community includes 121 single-family low-rent homes and apartment units along with the school, a retreat house, Orchard View Market, and a branch of the Walla Walla Rural Public Library.

The first residents named the community "Vista Hermosa" which means beautiful view as it overlooks the Snake River and more than 5,000 acres of rolling hills which once grew only sagebrush, but which today is planted with a large variety of apples and other marketable fruit trees.

Monday, August 24, 2015

MONDAY MURAL-Japanese Cranes

As seen on the outside wall of Graze 'A Place to Eat'

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Walla Walla believed and it all came true,
and we are still basking in the GOTR afterglow 

Sunday, August 16, 2015


After all of the growing anticipation and excitement, 
today feels a bit like the day after Christmas. 

All packed up and ready to go bye-bye.

Thanks for the memories.

Friday, August 14, 2015


Early Friday Morning at the Downtown Venue

A pedicab driver trues his wheel in front to Allegro Cycle. 
Drivers from all around the country follow music festivals like GOTR 
to provide their unique service to festival goers. 
Rides cost between $15-20 (or more) per person depending upon 
distance and number of people. 

Crowds can be seen lining up down the street and around the corner (above and below) 
to buy the official GOTR merchandise in the old Wing and a Prayer BBQ location.

According to the people standing in line, sales staff are only allowing 
20 +/- people in at a time because of the small size of the space. 
So be prepared to wait to buy your $30 official T-shirt or other official GOTR souvenirs.

Mustache balloons at Coffee Perk (above) 
and a mustached Stewardess mannequin at World Wide Travel (below) 
are only a few of the popular Mumford and Sons branding seen about town.

I have yet to discover the definitive origin and/or meaning of the 
popularized hairy upper lip, 
but it's everywhere!

These women are only two of the numerous friendly Crowd Management crew 
you'll see working all weekend to monitor the gates and borders 
of the downtown GOTR venue.

Be sure to give them a smile! It's a hard job, but someone has to do it.

*  *  *  *  *

Thursday, August 13, 2015


It's Only Just Begun

The first night of the Gentlemen of the Road Stopover is underway. Storefronts are decorated, pop-up vendors have their signs and banners flying, and security and medical teams are at the ready. Out-of-towners are steadily arriving via Highway 12 to our little corner of southeast Washington State and are setting up their campsites or checking into other lodgings. Walla Walla appears ready to host the biggest thing since the Oregon Trail passed through a century and a half ago. 

Here are some behind the scene photos of Thursday evening's festivities.

This group is the main reason I came downtown tonight--to hear the youngest band chosen to play for this event. They are all local kids--three will be seniors at WaHi except for the banjo player who graduated in June. They play a lively set of old-time folk and bluegrass songs that got the crowd tapping their feet and clapping along. Way to go Blue Valley Balladeers.

My other modus operandi was to people watch.

I love this t-shirt, but apparently it is the official logo shirt 
for the local workers which is not available to the public. Darn!

There is a rumor circulating of an unannounced band coming to town. 
Do you suppose this guy is a member of Pearl Jam in disguise?

No dogs allowed, but I guess this little guy slipped through. 
He seems well-behaved.

Clearly clothing is optional for the younger set. 
With temperatures in the high 90s, many wish they could do the same. 
Thank goodness for some rules!

Behind the scenes sound guy working during the Blue Valley Balladeers set. 
One of the un-sung heroes of a live musical event.

Obviously, not all came for the music.

Even some of the firefighters who are still mopping up the 
Blue Creek fire came to town to see what's happenin'.

While walking is always an option to get from the GOTR campground 
to the downtown festivities, there are big yellow school buses 
circulating every 5-10 minutes.

Another option is a pedi-cab.

Only in Walla Walla do you see farm equipment on display in the 
middle of a music festival. I love it! (And not just because it's red.)

Another 'Only in Walla Walla.' A cute idea for a souvenir photo, nevertheless.

Traffic on Highway 12 has to be re-routed to make it safer for everyone. 
As a result, I now live in a 'gated community.' ;)

The main stage and concert venue may be quiet tonight, 
but starting tomorrow, it's gonna be rockin'!

P.S. I love this sign not only for the polite message but also for the fact that the plural possessive apostrophe was used correctly.


As seen on a downtown street in Walla Walla. Can you name the original writer?

If not, follow this link to read more about it. Very fascinating reading.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Welcome to Walla Walla

The signs of the Gentlemen of the Road Stopover can be seen everywhere in downtown Walla Walla. What fun it is to witness all of the imagination, creativity and spirit come alive in this once-in-a-lifetime event for our little town. From city crews madly finishing up the road construction, to food vendors bringing in additional supplies to keep the crowds well hydrated and fed, to shop keepers decorating their storefronts a' la GOTR, to the festival crews setting up the camping site and music venue itself, thousands of people are working together to make this event happen.

Pavers are cut to fit at the corner of Colville and Alder, 
while new traffic signal poles await to be put in place. 

*  *  *  *  *

Downtown festival goers will need plenty to drink, so merchants are stocking up 
with bottled water, sodas, and coffee drinks. Bring on the crowds!

Nearly every restaurant, merchant, and shop--big and little--have spiffed up their storefronts and rolled out the welcome mat for the 20,000 + out-of-town visitors, plus who knows how many locals who are expected to attend the three-day festival. 
What's your favorite window display?

*  *  *  *  *

Lest we not forget, this is a music festival. Beyond the 'Road Closed' sign 
is the main stage where Foo Fighters will perform on Friday night 
and Mumford and Sons on Saturday night. 

Other preparations are underway at the main entrance of the concert venue 
(behind Borlesk stadium and the old swimming pool) where festival goers 
will pass through a parade of GOTR flags into the open grassy setting.

*  *  *  *  *

For those who are camping, the fairways of Veteran's Memorial Golf Course 
will become a makeshift tent city for three nights. To accommodate 
all these guests, mobile showers and porta-potties, aka Honey Buckets, 
have been trucked in from as far as Tacoma on the west side of the state.

And by the way. . .

 And finally, even Valley Transit has joined the GOTR mania.