Monday, November 30, 2015

City Daily Photo-December Theme-Shop Windows

Small Business Saturday in Downtown Walla Walla

 These two photos are from a series of seasonal shop windows As Seen By Susan in Walla Walla, Washington

To see more shop windows by other CDP bloggers, click here.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


A Dandy Day for Ducks 

Whitman College campus, Walla Walla, Washington

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Two Bridges, Four Views

Whitman College campus, Walla Walla, Washington

Playing with basic editing tools, and B&W conversion.
Any preferences?

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Whitman College Water Feature

Whitman College is centrally located between my house and the downtown retail corridor. In addition to offering a stellar liberal arts education for its students, it is a wonderful addition to the community with its well-landscaped campus, interesting architecture and outdoor art, and wide variety of cultural offerings for the community. 

I took advantage of the new snow and the absence of students (due to Thanksgiving vacation) to stroll through the quiet, undisturbed grounds.

 I am always drawn to reflections in water and the natural painterly look they have.

Same photo as the one above but with a painterly effect using the Brushstroke app on my iPad. Learning to paint is on my bucket list of things to do now that I am retired, so I feel a bit dishonest to find how easy it is to turn a photo into a painting.


Walla Walla Wheatfield

I love it when it snows and then turns cold and sunny. Yesterday was one of those days. 
So I went to one of my favorite views just outside of town to capture the sun and the snow and the clouds.

Same view in B&W. Lately I've been playing with post-processing editing and B&W conversions. 
I still have a long way to go to feel comfortable, but I like the feeling of cold, vast emptiness.

Last April I took a picture from almost the same spot to include in my newly minted WWDP blog, but looking back, I guess I never posted it. 
With the Blue Mountains to the east, clouds often build up along the edge no matter the season.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Experiments in Color and B&W

The bandstand, a focal point in Walla Walla's Pioneer park, recently underwent an extensive renovation with new paint, cedar shake siding and roof, and a sturdy iron staircase. On this late autumn afternoon, the setting sun cast wonderful shadows on the floor where leaves came to dance.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015


 Experiments in Editing 

I've never been one to edit any of my photos, save for a judicious crop here and there. My rationale is that I want my photos to speak for themselves as a moment captured in time. While lighting is critical along with composition, some of what I consider my best photos are a result of "happy accidents"--that is, being at the right place, at the right time to take advantage of the light and the subject matter in front of me.

These photos are some of my first experiments using the editing tools on Picasa. While I am pleased with the results so far, I must admit I still feel like I am "cheating" by altering what the lens originally captured. Yet, I'm determined to keep experimenting and posting my results on this blog. Please feel free to comment--good or bad--as that's the only way for me to learn.

 The original photo

 Use of color tools and border

Black and white

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Three Ways


 Waterlogue App

Black and White

Which is your favorite?


Then the Seeds--Part 5 and Final

 Acer aka Maple Tree

Syringa Vulgaris aka Common Lilac

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Then the Seeds . . . Part 4

 Echinacea aka Purple Coneflower

Friday, November 6, 2015


Then the Seeds--Part 3

 Shasta Daisy

Rudebekia aka Black-Eyed Susan

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Leftover Halloween Candy

I've been out of the country for the last 30 days and just arrived home in the wee hours of Halloween morning. I almost decided not to participate in handing out candy, but then changed my mind. I'm happy I did since despite it pouring rain last night, lots of costumed kids came to my house. Now I have leftover candy which won't last long as the wrappers and half eaten Hershey bar attest . . . Ephemeral.

To see what other City Daily Photo bloggers find ephemeral, click here.