Sunday, January 31, 2016


Satisfying America's Car Culture

FUEL Coffee Shop is one of many drive-thru coffee shops in Walla Walla. They number more than actual walk-in coffee establishments of which there are several including four Starbucks--two free standing stores and two smaller versions within grocery stores.

While coffee purists may cringe, Baskin Robbins' 31 flavors of ice cream
has nothing on the 57 flavors of syrup that can be added to your coffee at FUEL. 

For more views of coffee shops by other City Daily Photo bloggers, click here.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Free and Open to the Public

Whitman College Fridays at Four Recital Series presents Gary Hemenway, piano/voice, and Dave Glenn, trombone, performing original compositions. Both performers are on the Whitman faculty. The recital series allows faculty and students to perform and share their talents with the community. Each free performance last an hour and is a great way to end a work week and/or begin a weekend.

This restored 120-seat recital and lecture hall was named in honor of Ruth Baker Kimball '31, 
who served the college as a distinguished volunteer for many years.

Early attendees await the start of the recital in Kimball Theatre on the Whitman campus.

Kimball Theatre is located within the building known as Hunter Conservatory. It was designed by Portland architect Ellis F. Lawrence and is an example of Neo-Classical style and Georgian Revival as seen by the detailing in the wood pilasters and railings.

 Additionally, the atrium and recital hall are distinctive with leaded stained-glass skylights in both.

A rapt audience listens intently while a lone student looks on from the balcony.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Yesterday's photo piqued interest in this closed and boarded up antique store. A look on Google provided no viable information to add to the story. So more pictures of this old train car will have to suffice.

The End

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Empire Builder 1293

There is an old Empire Builder train car in Walla Walla that was once used as part of an antique store. The store has been closed for years, despite still being filled with old things, and is in a state of severe disrepair due to vandalism. Apparently the owner does not want to sell the items inside or the train car, so it sits with windows busted or boarded up awaiting the fate of time.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

WINDOW in 5 Variations

I have a "thing" about windows. When I travel to Europe, I take hundreds, perhaps even thousands of photos of windows--in houses, apartment buildings, shops, out buildings, wherever. But somehow, when I return home, there seem to be fewer interesting windows to photograph. So it has become my personal challenge to find windows that have that je ne sais quoi that calls out to me to take a picture. 

Here is a window that caught my eye as I wandered down a nondescript alley in Walla Walla. The first photo is the original, tuned for prime time viewing on this blog. The other four photos are variations, the result of my experimentation with post-processing apps that can turn a standard realistic photo into a more artistic version.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Walla Walla is a rural area, so these are the monuments, sculptures, and art that surround me. 
And as much as I love to travel, it always feels good to come home to this.


Monday, January 18, 2016


Heading east on Cottonwood Road on a sunny January day.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Paper White Narcissus

The Paper White bulbs that I planted before Christmas bloomed a week or two ago. They are a perennial favorite of mine as far as forced bulbs go. Their bright white flowers aren't as showy as the Amaryllis, another popular winter indoor forced bulb. Instead, Paper Whites announce their presence with a quiet, pleasant fragrance that I especially enjoy after the heavy scent of fir and pine of the Christmas season.

In the Language of Flowers, Paper White means egotism, formality, and stay as sweet as you are.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Artifacts of the Ice Age

Palouse Falls is the only major year-round waterfall remaining from the Ice Age floods that carved this landscape thousands of years ago. 

The falls plunge approximately 198 feet over layers of exposed basalt that make up the Palouse River Canyon.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


I've got  . . . cling cling . . . fsssss . . . steam heat

Friday, January 8, 2016