I missed posting for the November 1 CDP Theme Day because I was still traveling home from my 21-day safari in Tanzania, Africa; therefore, I am choosing to make up for that by posting a few of my favorite photos out of the 10,000+ photos I took from that trip.
As you can imagine, choosing the BEST photo was difficult, so I include a potpourri of special moments of the safari.
If you are interested in seeing more photos of the people, animals, and sights of the Serengeti and East Africa, I invite you to click on the link to my other blog as I relive and reflect on that trip of a lifetime. Aseenbysusan.blogspot.com
An Ostrich family on parade. We saw many single Ostriches, but seeing this family of mama, papa, and seven babies was unusual. |
Of all the animals we saw, the giraffes are my favorite. |
This lion is definitely well camouflaged. |
It's an impromptu photo like this taken from the window of our moving vehicle that really tells a story of the people. Two Maasai warriors are bicycling to market as the driver talks on his cell phone and the rider holds on to a young goat. Also notice the two wooden walking sticks which are iconic Maasai. |
Another impromptu "stop the Land Cruiser" moment was visiting with and learning about a group of Maasai males who are in their 4-6 month post-circumcision ritual of becoming a warrior. The self-applied white face paint is to frighten away evil spirits. |
Children love to play ball, and these Massai children are no different. In this case, their ball is the nest of a Social Weaver bird, and the ball-tosser is my partner Doug. |
A sleeping leopard |
Four young lion brothers |
Of only 30 rhinoceros living in Serengeti Park, we were fortunate to see these two which in turn allowed us to check the Big Five off our list of must-sees. |
If you are interested in seeing more photos of the people, animals, and sights of the Serengeti and East Africa, I invite you to click on the link to my other blog as I relive and reflect on that trip of a lifetime. asseenbysusan.blogspot.com