Monday, September 21, 2015


Historical photos by Joe Drazen, Bygone Walla Walla

The following is the text of what seems to be a promotional article written in 1923 to accompany the above photo collage of the Walla Walla Candy Company. I included it because the of the old-fashioned word choice and formal tone used to describe the business. Advertising copy sure has changed over the decades!

"At the plant of the Walla Walla Candy Company candies are manufactured with great care, skill and under the most hygienic  auspices. At this plant the famous line of Bur-Bee candies are made. There is class to the Bur-Bee line; it has won its present strong position on sheer merit; one of its features is completeness. A retailer selling the line is fortified and in a position to get the trade. The Walla Walla Candy Company, selling at wholesale, successfully markets its products throughout a wide territory in this inter-mountain Pacific Northwest. Its payroll is one worthwhile to its home city and in every way it is a creditable and well conducted manufacturing establishment."

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